Wash Toss
The Game
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Here it is!  Hours of fun ANYONE can enjoy.

Contents of the Wash Toss Package
2 hand-made wooden Washer Pits.
6 neon-painted Throwing Washers.
Detailed design drawings.
Detailed game instructions.
Years of enjoyment.

Replacement/Extra Throwing Washers
Red, Green, Orange and Yellow available.
Set of 6 Washers, 2 Colors


Detailed Plans, and Game Instructions


If you would like to construct your own set (great as a children's project!) Wash Toss has the design drawings available.  With the Wash Toss design plans and the game rules, years of fun! Can be Emailed at no additional charge.  (PDF Format)

Prices DO NOT include shipping!!!!

WashToss * Webster, MA * USA * 01570