This is the Existing Tower with a TA-33 jr. and a 5-el 6m. Both on a 12' Boom.

This is the pile of stuff that may just be an antenna someday.

The Director or reflector as packaged.

The Director or Reflector with packing foam to lock things in.

Stepper motor feed and the Fiberglass Chisled out.

Looking into the feeder.

A little bit of copper manually fed out.

Box of hardware and mast plate.

$17 Home Depot horses purchased for the project!

The Boom in 4 pieces.

Hardware and Tools for assembling.

Just match the numbers stamped into the boom pieces.

The Boom.

16', Nice!

Putting together the EHU's.

Each housing has 10 bolts.

The Reflector was first

Director and reflector mounted.

The Driven element and balun.

The Driven element and balun.

All 3 elements mounted.

The Driven element and balun.

The wiring. Labelled where the wires come from.

Wired up.

Ready for somke test!!

Smoke test II.

Each element is tested seperately and it shhots out a bit then retracts.
No Wiring Problems.


Here they are, beauty, eh?

These needed to be a minimum of 17'8"
Huge variations in all 6 pieces.

The EHU end.

The EHU end is lined up.. Variations.

More variations.

Foam plugs on the 'Far End'

All ready for wrapping the joints.

All elements wrapped with supplied electrical tape and silicone tape.

Installed the elements in the rain.
Testing with NB1U showed front - to - back on all bands.
Handled 1,500 Watts on 20m
Was able to work Mark in the 180 Deg mode since I set this up pointing at
Europe (NE). Signal went down significantly on all bands when in 'Bi-Directional Mode'
Dropped out almost completely on all bands when in Normal mode at EU.
Need to tape the elements to EHUs and install 6M Passive

Climbers KB1DFB and KB1NRB on the roof taking apart the TA-33 and 5 element 6m.

Ready to ROCK!

KB1DFB and KB1NRB loading the TA-33 and 6m, going to good homes

Wow, it sure is bigger than what it is replacing
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