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ICE 419 Bandpass Filter and Unified Microsystems BCD-10
Updated 18-March-2014
Finished Product!

ICE 419A Band Pass Filter

Make sure that it fits. Nicely unter the wiring against the back of the copper plate.

To the left is the DIN connector where the auto-switching, wired right to the front manual switch.

160m and 80m wired up and tested to prove the function.

All Bands wired up!

Clearance Check

Wiring up the 'VGA' plug from the K3 Band Decoder Output on 15-pin connector

My K3 SN#1637 did not have the internal 'PULL UP' resistors installed
Newer K3s ~SN#2500 have them. Added a 10k resistor to the 4 decoder inputs to 12V and all works really well!
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